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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - switch


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~1 v 1 to change from one thing to another, usually suddenly  (He used to play tennis, but now he's switched to golf.) switch sth to/from/away etc  (Duval switched easily and fluently from French to English. | switch jobs/positions etc (=change from one job or position to another))  (switch sth to/from/away etc We can switch the meeting to Tuesday if you like. | switch your attention)  (Just switch your attention to the screen on your left.) 2 to secretly remove one object and put another similar object in its place  (Someone must have switched suitcases at the airport.) 3 to help someone you work with who needs time away from the job by agreeing to work certain hours for them if they do the same for you  (switch with sb)  (Can you switch with me on Monday night?) 4 T always + adv/prep to change the way a machine operates by using a switch  (Switch the freezer to the `extra cold' setting.) switch off phr v 1 to turn off a machine, electric light, radio etc by using a switch  (Don't forget to switch off when you've finished. | switch sth off)  (Can you switch the television off?)  (- see open2) 2 informal to stop listening or paying attention  (He just switches off when you start talking to him.) switch on phr v to turn on a machine, electric light, radio etc by using a switch  (swith sth on)  (Can you switch the light on?)  (- see open2) switch over phr v 1 to change completely from one method, product etc to another + from/to  (A lot of banks are switching over to the new electronic system because it's more efficient.) 2 BrE to change from one radio or television station to another  (Switch over if you don't like the programme.) ~2 n 1 the part on a light, radio, machine etc that starts or stops the flow of electricity when you press it up or down  (light switch)  (a light switch | the on/off switch | throw a switch (=pull a large switch))  (He threw a switch and all the lights in the theatre came on.) 2 a complete, and usually sudden, change from one thing to another  (The switch to a free market economy will not be easy. | that's a switch AmE (=used to say that someone's behaviour is unusual for them))  ("Mark's doing the dishes tonight." "That's a switch!") 3 make the switch to secretly remove one object and put another similar object in its place  (The original painting has been replaced by a fake, and no one knows when the switch was made.) 4 a thin stick that bends easily  (a willow switch)
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  (switches, switching, switched) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A switch is a small control for an electrical device which you use to turn the device on or off. Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch. ...a light switch. N-COUNT 2. If you switch to something different, for example to a different system, task, or subject of conversation, you change to it from what you were doing or saying before. Estonia is switching to a market economy... The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels... The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs. = change VERB: V to n, V from n to n, V pl-n • Switch is also a noun. New technology made a switch to oil possible... The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch. N-COUNT: usu with supp • Switch over means the same as switch. ...a professional man who started out in law but switched over to medicine. PHRASAL VERB: V P to n 3. If you switch your attention from one thing to another or if your attention switches, you stop paying attention to the first thing and start paying attention to the second. My mother’s interest had switched to my health... As the era wore on, she switched her attention to films. VERB: V to n, V n to n 4. If you switch two things, you replace one with the other. In half an hour, they’d switched the tags on every cable... The ballot boxes have been switched. = swap VERB: V pl-n, V pl-n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: perhaps from Middle Dutch swijch twig  Date: 1592  1. a slender flexible whip, rod, or twig a riding ~  2. an act of ~ing: as  a. a blow with a ~  b. a shift from one to another  c. a change from the usual that outfit is a ~  3. a tuft of long hairs at the end of the tail of an animal (as a cow) — see cow illustration  4. a device made usually of two movable rails and necessary connections and designed to turn a locomotive or train from one track to another  5. a device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit  6. a heavy strand of hair used in addition to a person's own hair for some coiffures  II. verb  Date: circa 1611  transitive verb  1. to strike or beat with or as if with a ~  2. whisk, lash a cat ~ing its tail  3.  a.  (1) to turn from one railroad track to another ; shunt  (2) to move (cars) to different positions on the same track within terminal areas  b. to make a shift in or exchange of ~ seats  4.  a. to shift to another electrical circuit by means of a ~  b.  (1) to operate an electrical ~ so as to turn (as a device) on or off — usually used with on or off  (2) to change to or from an active state — usually used with on or off ~ed on the gene  intransitive verb  1. to lash from side to side  2. to make a shift or exchange  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit. 2 a a transfer, change-over, or deviation. b an exchange. 3 a slender flexible shoot cut from a tree. 4 a light tapering rod. 5 US a device at the junction of railway tracks for transferring a train from one track to another; = POINT n. 17. 6 a tress of false or detached hair tied at one end used in hairdressing. --v. 1 tr. (foll. by on, off) turn (an electrical device) on or off. 2 intr. change or transfer position, subject, etc. 3 tr. change or transfer. 4 tr. reverse the positions of; exchange (switched chairs). 5 tr. swing or snatch (a thing) suddenly (switched it out of my hand). 6 tr. beat or flick with a switch. Phrases and idioms switch-blade a pocket knife with the blade released by a spring. switched-on colloq. 1 up to date; aware of what is going on. 2 excited; under the influence of drugs. switch off colloq. cease to pay attention. switch over change or exchange. switch-over n. a change or exchange. Derivatives switcher n. Etymology: earlier swits, switz, prob. f. LG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) переключатель; коммутационное устройство; коммутатор переключать; коммутировать 2) выключатель; прерыватель; разъединитель; рубильник выключать; прерывать; разъединять 3) (электронный) ключ 4) искатель (в телефонии) 5) вчт. оператор выбора, переключатель 6) ж.-д. стрелка; стрелочный перевод переводить стрелку 7) ж.-д. маневрировать to close the switch — замыкать переключатель; to switch in — включать; to switch off — выключать; to switch on — включать; to open the switch — размыкать переключатель; to switch out — выключать; to switch over — переключать - access switch - accumulator switch - acoustic switch - air-blast switch - air-break switch - air-pressure switch - air-to-electric switch - alignment switch - all-insulated switch - allotter switch - analog switch - analog-to-digital switch - antenna switch - antibuckle switch - antidazzle switch - automatic switch - automatic reclosing switch - automatic transfer switch - baby knife switch - backbone switch - band switch - bandwidth switch - bank-and-wiper switch - bank-and-wipe switch - barrel switch - bat-handle switch - battery-regulating switch - battery switch - beam deflector switch - bellows-actuated pressure switch - biased switch - bilateral switch - billet switch - bladed switch - blocking switch - brake switch - branch switch - break switch - breakdown switch - bus-bar sectionalizing switch - bus isolating switch - bus-tie switch - button switch - bypass switch - call switch - cam-operated switch - cam switch - cam-operated group switch - capacitive switch - catch switch - ceiling switch - cell switch - centrifugal switch - chain billet switch - changeover switch - change tune switch - channel switch - charge...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  выключатель, переключатель; разъединитель; реле; коммутатор стрелка (железнодорожных путей) to switch off the power to switch on the power automatic switch boom hoist limit switch boom limit switch button switch changeover switch control switch door contact switch double-blade switch double-pole switch earthing switch electropneumatic switch emergency switch enclosed switch float switch flush switch fused switch grounding switch handle switch high-tension switch knife switch light switch lightning switch limit switch master switch multiple contact switch oil switch pendant switch press switch pressure switch pull-type switch railway switch remote switch runway switch selector switch slip switch split switch spring switch stop limit switch surface switch thermal switch time switch turn-button switch twilight switch two-way switch wall switch ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) выключатель, переключатель 2) коммутатор (см. тж. switcher) 3) оператор выбора – access switch – ac/dc switch – air-break switch – alignment switch – allotter switch – analog switch – analog-digital switch – antenna switch – antitransmit-receive switch – ATM-switch – automatic reclosing switch – backbone switch – band switch – battery switch – branch switch – bus-bar sectionalizing switch – call switch – change-tune switch – coaxial switch – code switch – communication switch – congested switch – controlled switch – cord switch – cradle switch – crossbar switch – data transfer switch – decimal-binary switch – deck switch – desktop switch – differential switch – digital switch – discharge switch – disconnecting switch – discriminating switch – distribution switch – electronic switch – emergency switch – emulation switch – engineering communication switch – Ethernet switch – fallback switch – fax-to-telephone switch – feeder switch – ferrite switch – fiber-optic switch – field-discharge switch – forward/reverse switch – four-layer switch – fuse switch – gang switch – gate-controlled switch – group switch – Hall-effect switch – heterodyne/exciter switch – hitless switch – hook switch – hunting switch – input-buffer switch – INPUT SELECTOR switch – instant-on switch – key switch – light-operated switch – lightning switch – line switch – line-finder switch – load switch – local switch – logic switch – loudness switch – magnetic-reed switch – magnetooptical switch – mains switch – master switch – memory-time switch – mode select switch – multiple-contact switch – multiple-way switch – multiplex switch – muting switch – n-channel switch – nonblocking switch – n-port managed switch – n-way switch – on-off switch – option switch – optoelectronical switch – output buffer switch – ovonic memory switch – packet switch –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) включатель 2) включать 3) выключатель 4) выключать 5) искатель 6) ключ 7) компьют. кнопочный 8) коммутатор 9) коммутационный механизм 10) менять направление 11) многоходовой 12) переключатель 13) переключательный 14) переключать 15) переключение 16) прут 17) ж.-д. стрелочный 18) трансформаторный 19) шальтер 20) штепсель 21) штепсельный antenna rounding switch — переключатель заземления антенны at flick of switch — поворотом переключатель azimuth stowing switch — тех. ключ походного положения азимутальный digital tandem switch — цифровая междугородная АТС door light switch — дверной выключатель освещения field discharge switch — электр. автомат гашения поля hermetically sealed switch — герметический выключатель magnetic contactor switch — магнитный контактор magnetically operated switch — выключатель с магнитным приводом master switch control — контроллерное управление mode selector switch — переключатель режимов работы momentary action switch — клавишный переключатель без фиксации move switch to OFF position — ставить выключатель в положение ВЫКЛ move switch to ON position — ставить выключатель в положение ВКЛ multiple position switch — многопозиционный выключатель nonshorting contact switch — незакорачивающий переключатель normally closed switch — нормально замкнутый выключатель normally open switch —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) свитч, изменение, перенос а) фин. (использование несбалансированного сальдо по клирингу или просто в торговле с третьими странами для операций с другим партнером) See: clearing б) фин. =switching в) фин. (смена тенденции притока/оттока национальной валюты в результате официальных валютных интервенций) г) бирж. =currency speculation д) эк. (продажа товаров в какую-л. страну через другую страну (из валютных соображений)) 2) тех. выключатель, переключатель, двухпозиционный переключатель SWITCH 1. сущ. 1) операция по использованию блокированного счета в какой-л. стране для капиталовложения в этой же стране 2) бирж. ликвидация обязательств по сдаче одних ценных бумаг и одновременная запродажа других 3) валютная спекуляция на курсовой разнице 4) продажа товаров в какую-л. страну через другую страну (из валютных соображений) 2. гл. 1) изменить направление 2) бирж. ликвидировать обязательства по сдаче одних ценных бумаг и одновременно запродать другие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  кисточка (хвоста) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
   1. noun  1) прут; хлыст  2) фальшивая коса; накладка (волос)  3) переключение; fig. поворот, изменение (темы разговора и т.п.)  4) electr. выключатель; переключатель; коммутатор  5) railways стрелка  2. v.  1) ударять прутом или хлыстом; отстегать прутом  2) махать, размахивать  3) amer.; coll. менять(ся) (from; to); In his new book, the writer has switched from his usual poetic style to a plainer manner.  4) направить (мысли, разговор) в другую сторону (to, over to)  5) резко хватать (что-л.); to switch smth. out of smb. s hand - выхватить что-л. у кого-л. из рук  6) переводить (поезд) на другой путь  7) electr. переключать; включать; выключать - switch off - switch on - switch over - switch round SWITCH lamp railways стрелочный фонарь SWITCH off  а) выключать ток;  б) разъединять телефонного абонента;  в) давать отбой;  г) выключать радиоприемник; Why did you switch off the radio? I was enjoying the music.  д) заставить замолчать; Once he starts telling his favourite adventures, its impossible to switch him off;  е) (заставить) потерять интерес, Dull subjects like this are enough to switch any student off. SWITCH on  а) включать (свет, радио и т.п.); Please switch the light on, its getting dark;  б) соединять абонента;  в) становиться интересным, возбужденным; сделать интересным, возбужденным; Many young people these days are using drugs to switch on. SWITCH over  а) переключать(ся); The power machine will be switched over at...
Англо-русский словарь
  chemis. abbr. Sulphur ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1592, "slender riding whip," probably from a Flemish or Low German word akin to Hanoverian swutsche, a variant of Low Ger. zwukse "long thin stick, switch." The meaning "device for changing the direction of something or making or breaking a connection" is first recorded 1797. The verb meaning "turn off or on" is first recorded 1853; that of "shift, divert" is from 1860. The noun meaning "change, reversal" is first recorded 1920. Switchblade dates from 1932, from the "switch" which is pressed to spring the knife open. Switch-hitter is 1930s in baseball slang, 1956 in the sense of "bisexual person." Switchboard first attested 1884. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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